Rebecca Masinter

Toras Imecha - Ready for a Fourth Year and New Growth. Please Comment!

Hello! I am so grateful to Hashem and all of you that we are about to complete our third year of Toras Imecha parenting inspiration together. I love thinking about the Parsha through the eyes of a mother and sharing insights with you that inspire and speak to me. The world is changing so quickly. Confusing questions and parenting issues arise all the time, and I want to help as many mothers as I can with practical help and inspiration. I want Toras Imecha to evolve and develop in ways that are innovative and relevant to mothers today. Please can you help me brainstorm the best steps for Toras Imecha to grow? I’ve been thinking of this for a few months and have several ideas to ask you about. One thought I’ve been considering is making a video series with practical topics such as: - Encouraging Creativity - Rethinking Punishments - Bedtime - Developing Responsibility - Working With Your Spouse to Parent - Is This Age Appropriate Behavior Or Is This a Problem? - Understanding Temperament - Boys and Their Moms - How to Make Them Be Your Knights in Shining Armor I’ve also wondered whether I need to move to additional platforms like Facebook or YouTube to reach younger mothers looking for guidance. I don’t have any experience with this, so all suggestions would be so helpful! Another potential idea is to send out Toras Imecha written messages as an email list to subscribers. Maybe compile them into a Daily Reader book? I believe Toras Imecha is ready for a new step but don’t yet know what that will look like. Please share with me your thoughts and suggestions, big and small. I would be so grateful for any feedback you can share with me. As you well know, I am knee-deep in raising my own family and will only have intermittent times when I can work on developing something new. I’m not ready to commit large amounts of time at once, but I hope to take small steps a little at a time to encourage and guide more mothers as we all navigate the wonderful world of raising children. I am so grateful to each one of you. You inspire me to keep preparing and sharing Torah with Jewish women, and I’m grateful for any help you can give guiding Toras Imecha forward. Thank you!